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E-Menu Service Free Essays
0 Project Planning Document By KP Contents Pages Introduction 3-4 Aims and Objectives 5-6 Project Scope, Milestones, Main Tasks and Deliverables 7-8 Source of Information and Resources Required 8 Project Risks 9-10 Evaluation of Professional, Social, Ethical and Legal Issues 11 Gantt Chart 12 Reference 13 1. Introduction During this project an E-Menu service for restaurants will be designed and created. The system will allow customers to order food and drink at the comfort of their own table, using a touch panel technology installed on every table in the restaurant. We will write a custom essay sample on E-Menu Service or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each table top device allows the user to read detailed descriptions of the dishes and beverages available, whilst also displaying an image of the selected item. Placing this system in a wider context – The E-menu service is diverse and can be incorporated to work with any restaurants’ menu. The need for this service: †¢ Improvement of the ordering experience and achieving a better service. †¢ Optimization of customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. †¢ Development of new revenue sources for the business. Current E-menu Market Research Conceptic is a Hi tech company established in 2005 that is active in the field of digital menus for restaurants, pubs and coffee shops (Israel Exporter 2012). The company is based in Israel and currently offers a comparable service to the one I wish to create. Facts and Figures (Conceptic Interactive Menus 2012). †¢ Table Side eMenu, 13% Increase in sales. †¢ Touch Screen Menu for waiting area 5min faster table turn around. †¢ Ipad Menu Wine List 24% Increase in Sales. †¢ Ipad Menu Food List 9% Increase in Sales. †¢ Members’ club sign ups 520% increase. The e-Menu service will benefit any establishment it is installed into. developing an electronic menu o The e-Menu service offers many benefits to users, in particular with the presentation of your restaurant’s menu items and the overall enhanced atmosphere it lends to the dining experience: The e-Menu offers far more than the standard paper menu. It brings food to life with vivid photographs of delicious looking meals and comprehensive up-to-date descriptions of each dish. Customers are able to view exactly what they are ordering, eliminating any confusion when the food arrives. Dietary constraints such as nut or gluten allergies will also be displayed when browsing the menu. Diners are also able to see your restaurant’s specials on the screen – not tucked away on a faded chalkboard or on an insert in your usual menu. Food is only part of the dining experience. There’s also the crucial element of creating the best possible atmosphere in which to enjoy a meal. The e-Menu offers a multitude of ways diners can entertain themselves in the process or even during the meal. The customers can choose from many entertainment features offered on the eMenu: †¢ Listen to a their favourite band †¢ Enjoy video clips †¢ Play interactive games †¢ On-screen â€Å"chatting†with diners at other tables  A great deal of research has been done before implicating the project. A lot of different aspects go into a successful ordering system, it must be user friendly/easy to use, have no maintenance issues, robust, longevity within the restaurant and cost effective. 2. Aims and Objectives Aim To create a working version of the E-Menu service. Objectives All objectives follow SMART methodology (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound): †¢ Create a user friendly e-Menu interface, which is quick and easy to navigate through. Usability is fundamental to this system, if the customer doesn’t understand how to navigate through the menu to order their food and drink, the system would become useless. So during the project great care will be taken when designing user interfaces, specifically when designing UI layouts trying to create a layout that is effective and efficient. Different user interface layouts will go through testing stages, the two layouts that are most successful through testing will be shown to the restaurant we are working with. Their input on the interfaces will aid the final design stage, allowing any adjustments to be made before installation. †¢ Users are able to access social media websites while using the e-Menu system. Hyperlinks for social media websites will be displayed conveniently, allowing easy access for customers to connect to the World Wide Web, to social media sites, advertises the restaurant to many new possible customers. Special offers and promotions are often viewed online and then brought into store to be used, if the restaurant has any possible deals they can offer, using social media is a good way of advertising it. To gain access to a special promotion the customer must ‘Like’ the restaurants’ Facebook page, this is the type of method that will create a lot of awareness for the restaurant. †¢ Common food allergies (Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Nuts, Sesame, Shellfish, Soy, Sulphites, Wheat, Gluten) displayed. The whole menu’s ingredients will be checked to see if any ingredients fall within the top 10 common food allergies. Whatever ingredients are highlighted from the list, will then all be marked with a food allergy logo. When a customer is browsing the menu, and selects a dish to view it closer, a new window opens displaying the food allergy logo with some text stating the dish they are about to view has a food allergy warning. This warning system should stop any user from ordering a dish which may later cause them harm. ‘Side suggestion tab’ incorporated fully into the menu, its purpose to suggest side dishes and beverages to the user once they have selected a main meal. Different main meal choices affect the recommended dishes and drinks. This feature benefits both parties the customers and the restaurant, being recommended which bottle of wine goes well with your main or what side dish will accompany the rest of your food benefits the customer. The restaurant wou ld benefit from the increase in side dishes and drink sales with food; this could always lead to special promotions which encourage loyalty within customers. Users will be able to view online video via YouTube. Hyperlinks will be visible on the e-Menu system, users will be able to view their favourite band, children can watch cartoons while waiting for food to be prepared. †¢ Have access to play interactive games on the e-Menu system. 3. Project Scope, Milestones, Main Tasks and Deliverables Below is a table showing the types of deliverables that are in and out of scope, also lists some of the major functions of the project. this should include Review Point 2, Demonstration and Project Thesis). |Title |In Scope |Out of scope |Reason why.. | |Search facility | |Yes |Time it would take to create a search facility for the| | | | |e-Menu service would not be good use of the time that | | | | |has been given. |Access to social media websites|Yes | |By allowing users to access their online profile, the | | | | |company’s profile will be viewed a lot more | | | | |(advertising). | |Food and Drink suggestion tab |Yes | |A good addition from the regular menu this deliverable| | | |encourages customers to purchase more. Which may | | | | |increases business for the restaurant. | |Allergy Advise |Yes | |This system is being created so customers have a much | | | | |better understanding of the menu. If you select a main| | | | |meal which includes 1 or more ingredients that may | | | | |cause harm to the customer if they are allergic to | | | | |anything specifically, a warning logo appears whilst | | | | |ordering so the user is aware of the ingredients of | | | | |the dish. | |Create a clean and clear |Yes | |An important part of the ordering system is how users | |interface. | | |navigate around, if users can’t read the information | | | | |then the system fails at 1 of its main objectives. |Customers are able to play | |Yes |This objective is aimed at creating more entertainment| |interactive games | | |for the customer. However I don’t think this objective| | | | |is achievable during the project process. | 4. Sources of Information and Resources Required. A. List of resources used to meet the scope of the project. Software – already own the software, or can gain access to the software at university sites. †¢ Adobe Photoshop CS5 †¢ Microsoft W ord, most of the documentation to do with the project will be written up using the softare. †¢ Microsoft PowerPoint, my demonstration will be created on powerpoint. Microsoft Excel, the projects Gantt chart will be made using this software. †¢ Java Programming software. Hardware – purchase needed hardware †¢ Android Tablet †¢ Ipad †¢ Blackberry playbook †¢ Microsoft surface (need to acquire a device before testing stage). Companies – †¢ Thai restaurant, I will be contacting the restaurant multiple times over the project. I may need to ask the manager a question or even the waiting staff. Visits will be scheduled so time must be made for these meetings. †¢ Conceptic People – †¢ Group of customers at a specific restaurant spoken to. †¢ Questionnaire given out to people about the e-Menu system before it is released. Questionnaire given out to customers to gather feedback about the e-Menu system. Extra – †¢ Any reading material will be collected from Boots library or the Clifton library. If any book is needed online booking will be completed early to allow for maximum time with the text. †¢ Multiple restaurants will be visited to inspect their menus content and design. 5. Project Risks During the length of the project plan many different objectives needs to be completed. These objectives will not always be consecutively completed on time. For example if the E-menu system took longer than expected to programme, it would cause a delay and the next objective after that would be put on hold until work has been caught up. However a resolution for this problem has already been thought about, the time scale of this project already has a built in 2 week contingency back up, which should give adequate time to resolve the issues at hand. Another unexpected delay to the project would be any personal health issues during the development of the project. By planning in extra time for each task, delays can be kept to a minimum or avoided all together, allowing enough time to complete the project on time. Software packages can occasionally not work or crash/break altogether. If a software package crashed and it was impossible to access the software anywhere else. This may cause a delay in the project, work can’t proceed until the problem has been solved or another software package acquired. Resources needed. For the project a 3rd party device will be needed to test the system out on. An Apple iPad or android tablet would work as devices to test the system on. When ordering the devices, delivery needs to be taken into consideration online orders normally come between 1-14 working days (maximum). If the delivery was lost and the product had to be ordered again, this could evolve into another lengthy delay. University hand-ins. During the course of the project other deadlines will need attention also; a clash with deadlines is a possibility. If this was to happen while work on the project could become delayed as workloads add up and less time is available to use. After looking at all these examples of project risks, it is clear that numerous events could potentially put the project at risk. Best way to avoid these risks would be to plan for them. Contingency time has been added to the overall project plan, if needed this added time will allow for any catching up to be done on behind objectives. 6. Evaluation of Professional, Social, Ethical and Legal Issues Schedule 1 to the Data Protection Act lists 8 different terms. All terms need to be followed otherwise you will be breaking the law. The e-Menu system we are creating will have to abide by these laws too, term 5 â€Å" Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes†(ISO 2012). Our system if used to its maximum capability will have a lot of personal data being sent around, Billing information, credit card numbers etc†¦ If in the wrong hands this information can be used for dishonest drudgery. It’s within the restaurants best interests to create a safe and secure dining experience. Data Protection Act term 2: â€Å"Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes†(ISO 2012). Computer Misuse Act â€Å"An Act to make provision for securing computer material against unauthorised access or modification; and for connected purposes†(Government 1990) The computer misuse act is another PSEL dilemma that could affect the system. If customers’ data is not safe it could be used for fraud or other criminal offences. The complex E-menu system will deter any hackers from the system, disaster recovery plans for the system will be followed if any attack or hack transpired. [pic] References o Conceptic Interactive Menus. (2012). Home Page. Available: http://www. emenu-international. com/. Last accessed 23rd Oct 2012. o Government . (1990). Computer Misuse Act . Available:http://www. legislation. gov. uk/ukpga/1990/18/introduction. Last accessed 26th Oct 2012. o o ICO. (2012). Data protection principles. Available: http://www. ico. gov. uk/for_organisations/data_protection/the_guide/the_principles. aspx. Last accessed 26/10/12. o Israel Exporter. (2012). Conceptic Interactive Menus. Available: http://www. israelexporter. com. Last accessed 23rd Oct 2012. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Gantt Chart for my project. How to cite E-Menu Service, Papers
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