Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Psychological And Sociological Effects Of Technology
Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects There have been many studies done on the negative psychological and sociological effects of technology while some may be true technology has its share of positive effects on society. The advances of technology have aided in the access to information from relatively anywhere. According to Hepburn (2013) â€Å"By the end of 2014, the number of Internet users was expected to be almost 3 billion, two-thirds of whom live in the developing world, and the number of mobile broadband subscriptions was expected to reach 2.3 billion globally†(as cited in Yà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, Okada, Palau2015, p.89). It has become easier to stay connected to family, friends, access personal information, and has improved educational opportunities. Technology is always evolving and changing for the better. â€Å"Mobile technologies and networks are increasingly expanding in their sophistication and capacity, and new applications (software programs) are enhancing the ways in which individuals interact†( Giota, 2014). Medical Uses Advancements in technology have made it possible for people to access medical information, communicate with their doctor, manage and track diseases, seek help, and maintain anonymity. Technology has facilitated the tracking of medical information, for example, Kaiser Permanente uses a computerized system to store and track patient information. Any doctor in a Kaiser facility can access patient information, ensuring the doctor is retrievingShow MoreRelatedAn Sociological And Psychological Aspects Of The Communication Process1199 Words  | 5 Pagesevaluate the sociological and psychological aspects of modern communication methods. 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