Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Psychological And Sociological Effects Of Technology
Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects There have been many studies done on the negative psychological and sociological effects of technology while some may be true technology has its share of positive effects on society. The advances of technology have aided in the access to information from relatively anywhere. According to Hepburn (2013) â€Å"By the end of 2014, the number of Internet users was expected to be almost 3 billion, two-thirds of whom live in the developing world, and the number of mobile broadband subscriptions was expected to reach 2.3 billion globally†(as cited in Yà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, Okada, Palau2015, p.89). It has become easier to stay connected to family, friends, access personal information, and has improved educational opportunities. Technology is always evolving and changing for the better. â€Å"Mobile technologies and networks are increasingly expanding in their sophistication and capacity, and new applications (software programs) are enhancing the ways in which individuals interact†( Giota, 2014). Medical Uses Advancements in technology have made it possible for people to access medical information, communicate with their doctor, manage and track diseases, seek help, and maintain anonymity. Technology has facilitated the tracking of medical information, for example, Kaiser Permanente uses a computerized system to store and track patient information. Any doctor in a Kaiser facility can access patient information, ensuring the doctor is retrievingShow MoreRelatedAn Sociological And Psychological Aspects Of The Communication Process1199 Words  | 5 Pagesevaluate the sociological and psychological aspects of modern communication methods. 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It also aims to understand the structure and organisation of society which appears to keep women as a disadvantaged, subordinated and dominated group overall in most aspects of life. Feminism is a second main conflict theory, which is similarRead MoreThe Mental Health Consequences Of Unemployment1130 Words  | 5 Pagessociologists, economists, and other various professions have argued the effects of technological advances replacing current employment in the workforce. If the unemployment rate were to decrease, it would bring upon a mass of societal complications including sociological issues, a gap between societal classes, and inferior choices that come with excess leisure time. A loss of work due to technological advances create a mass of sociological issues to society. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Normans Interpersonal Communication in the Movie, On...
Normans Interpersonal Communication in the Movie, On Golden Pond EXAMPLE The movie On Golden Pond is a fantastic vehicle with which to consider six facets of interpersonal communication. The main character of the movie, Norman, provides for a multifaceted study in relationships, both with his self and with others. I have chosen to focus this paper on several aspects of Normans interpersonal communication. On Golden Pond is a fascinating study in the discovery of Normans need to communicate with those he cares about in new ways. Our textbook defines communication being interpersonal when the people involved are contacting each other as persons (4). On Golden Pond is rich with excellent†¦show more content†¦Even though the mail carrier attempts to communicate with Norman, Norman will not let down his guard and connect interpersonally with him. During the movie we learn that Norman is actually quite capable of moving towards the interpersonal side of the communication continuum. Norman develops a friendship with Billy, a teenager staying with Norman and Ethel for a month. Throughout the movie Norman stretches his normally closed communication patterns as he grows to care for Billy. Evidently Norman is able to transcend his old pattern of shutting everyone out. He learns that he must be willing to disclose a bit about himself if he wants a relationship with Billy. Our text defines self presentation as the process of revealing or disclosing ourselves by verbally and nonverbally telling other people something about who we are (233). Normans self-concept is that of a dour old man waiting to die, and this is how he presents himself. He views himself as a patriarch - a man worthy of respect. His inclination and habit is to keep himself hidden away from others. A Johari Window (239-240) would be an interesting tool for analyzing Normans personal presentation and disclosure processes. Our textbook explains the Johari Window as having four kinds of information about your self that play a part in your communicating (240).
Saturday, December 14, 2019
What is Judaism according to Heschel Free Essays
According to Rabbi Heschel Judaism was that whenever somebody mentioned the name Judaism, it was like taking about either somebody citing a poem, God the father or someone who lived a spiritual life. Since many people believed that without God everything is impossible, Heschel tried to come out clearly that people need to be strong in faith despite all the difficulties they are going through. He also stressed out that everyone should be able to live peacefully with each other by forgiving one another whenever there is a problem between them. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Judaism according to Heschel? or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Merkel, 1985, p. 2) (Heschel, 1985). The word of God was for everyone no matter what they do, where they come from or whatever language they speak. One way of making people understands the word of God was to write and come out clearly about religious teachings. They were also being taught how to live in harmony and how to confess to one another whenever there is a problem among them. (Merkel, 1985, p. 3) (Heschel, 1985). According to Heschel, Torah’s ways of giving out ideas or explanations about Judaism was like a reflection of what has been happening in our daily lives as it was written in the bible. God the Father also appears as a very bright light to show people that they should believe and have faith in Him all the time. (Merkel, 1985, p. 4) (Heschel, 1985). Heschel join one of the spiritual congregations where he became more spiritual and strong in faith. This attracted very many people as it was a good example of a Jesus follower. It also made many people to listen, understand and believe in the word of God. (Merkel, 1985, p. 5) (Heschel, 1985). Rabbi was so much into Christianity that he could not have time to come together with other people in his congregation. This made the people of his congregation to say that he was over doing the work of Christianity. He also tried to make people have peace, love, and unity and go as far celebrating mass as a sign of commitment to God. . (Merkel, 1985, p. 6) (Heschel, 1985). Everyone was to understand the word of God in the right way and apply in their daily life. This was made to encourage the weak people who were not strong in faith to be able to participate in duties that strengthen their faith. The difficulties that the people of Israel experience on Mount Sinai were a big challenge for them in their life. This is because from there is when man had really believed that God do exist. (Merkel, 1985, p. 7) (Heschel, 1985). He brought the image of God as he appears to Moses on Mount Sinai. This is when Moses’ people had no faith in God and started worshipping other gods. God became angry and appeared to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments that could guide and make his people believe and trust in God. The Ten Commandments were written so that everyone should believe that all the writings were truly from Jesus but not Moses. (Merkel, 1985, p. 8) (Heschel, 1985). Moses is also portrayed as good leader because he is seen leading his people from Israel to Misery as per instructions given by God. This is when God appeared to him as burning bush when he was looking after the cattle. By then they had no commandments to follow but they still believed in God as their creator and source of inspiration in their life. (Merkel, 1985, p. 9) (Heschel, 1985). As it is seen in the bible that by the time God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, his people had already lost their faith and started worshipping other gods. This made it very difficult for Moses to make all of them believe in the Ten Commandments given the God. It implies that not all Moses’ people accepted the Ten Commandments. That, s why there are always new laws every generation. (Merkel, 1985, p. 10) (Heschel, 1985). Though there were some people who disagreed with Moses as he gave them the Ten Commandments, majority believed on the Ten Commandments that made many generations that comes after them to accept and follow the Ten Commandments as it was meant to strengthen people’s faith in their daily life. (Merkel, 1985, p. 1) (Heschel, 1985). People should be in a position to understand and believe in Jesus’ signs as it was written in the bible. They need to accept that even though they can’t see some of these things happening now, they had already happened before and their fore fathers believed in them. So it’s a big challenge to them to accept the reality of the past. (Merkel, 1985, p. 12) (Heschel , 1985). As it is written in the bible that when Jesus went to Cana and wine got finished during the wedding, He asked for water and turned it into wine for the people who were in the wedding. And also when there was a lot of wind when he was with James and John in a boat, He stopped the wind. These two signs show that God is always there for his people and He will always present in them wherever they go. (Merkel, 1985, p. 13) (Heschel, 1985). It is good to believe in what you understand best than to believe in what you don’t know. This only comes out when you really accept, believe and have faith in the scriptures of the bible. You should be able to relate the scriptures of the bible into your daily life and try to practice them in your life because this is only way to strengthened your faith. Merkel, 1985, p. 14) (Heschel, 1985). Moses was one of the most prominent leaders that God used to show people the right way of life that will remain a remembrance in life to everyone. These are written in the bible so that everyone can understand whatever happened in the past during the reign of their fore fathers. (Merkel, 1985, p. 15) (Heschel, 1985). It is also important to preach or translate the scriptures of the bible according what was written rather than preaching the things which do not exist to people. This is because whatever is being taught now will remain as a history for the coming generations. They should understand that the scriptures of the bible are holy words from God the father but just a normal human being. (Merkel, 1985, p. 16) (Heschel, 1985). God communicated to his people through the scriptures by sending prophets to perform various signs. This can be seen as he ordered Abraham to sacrifice his only son, appearing to Moses as burning bush, saving his disciple from drowning during the strong wind and raising Larus from death after four days. All these events remain as a history to every generation that comes and it will always be there to guide them in their life. (Merkel, 1985, p. 17) (Heschel, 1985). The covenant between God and Moses on Mount Sinai was a sign of an agreement between the people of Israel and God. It made easier for the people of Israel to communicate to God and adored Him as their only savior. So for the people of Israel to communicate to God they had to understand the scripture, translate it and relate to their daily life. Merkel, 1985, p. 18) (Heschel, 1985). The covenant made on Mount Sinai lead to various activities to be performed by man. This is where man had to obey the holy Sunday, do not kill, do not steal, obey their parents so that you can live longer, believe in God all the time and always standing firm to tell truth. Even the people of Israel went as far as fasting in order to strengthen their faith which remained as history to all the coming generations. (Merkel, 1985, p. 19) (Heschel, 19 85). When Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, it does not mean it was the end of everything that God had to give his people. It implies that the door was still open for more teachings in the future. This encourages people to believe and trust in God as their only comforter during the trial moments in their lives. (Merkel, 1985, p. 20) (Heschel, 1985). The bible was not written as book to be read but as scripture to guide people in their lives. It was supposed to be read, understand the meaning of the scriptures and translate and then preach the right words of God to the people. This would inspire many people to read the scriptures of the bible and know the reason why Jesus sacrificed to suffer on their behalf. (Merkel, 1985, p. 21) (Heschel, 1985). As seen that it is very easier for the people to live as God’s people when they both understand the bible very well. Therefore it is good to make people believe in Jesus as their only guidance in life. When you follow the right path that is God’s foot steps, you will find life interesting and encouraging no matter what difficulties you may be going through. It also makes man become a strong Christian which remains as an example to his forth coming generations. (Merkel, 1985, p. 22) (Heschel, 1985). Jesus loves the world so much that he bled and died for the human kind. So it is the work of the man to be able to follow God’s commandments in order to fulfill God’s promises. It does mean that God made it so difficult for the man not to enjoy life but to have good life both in the world and in heaven. That is why Jesus forbids man not to do some of the things in life. It is not a punishment but a lesson to prepare them for both life in the world and the kingdom of God. (Merkel, 1985, p. 23) (Heschel, 1985). Everyone should be able to carry his own cross when it comes to serving God because you will be judged according your own deeds but not on the behalf of someone else. Man must be able to know the scriptures of the bible so that it can able to apply it any time in his or her life. This will also help people to have time worship God because everyone is a position to read and interpret whatever information which is in the bible. Merkel, 1985, p. 24) (Heschel, 1985). Conclusion: Judaism is all about the past events that happened during the reign of the prophets like Moses, Elijah and Abraham. These are the days when God used to communicate to man through prophets. The prophets could see God in visions, signs and symbols then go and communicate to the people according what they have seen in their visions or symbols they had received. They had to exp lain all the details of what God told them. So that is how man communicated to god in older days. How to cite What is Judaism according to Heschel?, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The House Of The Seven Gables
The House Of The Seven Gables- Hawthornes Personal Essay ReflectionsNathanial Hawthorne. Considered to be one of the greatest American writers of the 19thcentury. But did you know that he hated portraits, and it is now thought that he was amild manic-depressive? Born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. A decendant of along puritan line of Hathornes. His ancestry included his great-great grandfather, JohnHathorne who was a judge at the Salem witch trials 112 years before Nathanial was born. Judge John Hathorne charged many with the crime of witchcraft,and condemned them totheir deaths. Nathanial was embaressed by this and changed the spelling of his last namefrom Hathorne to Hawthorne. Alot of his family history, life experiences and where helived influenced his writing greatly. Hawthorne had a cousin, Susannah Ingersoll. When he was young, in Salem, hewould frequently visit her in her mansion, she lived there alone. The house had a secretstaircase and once had seven gables. This house, Nathanial visited in his youth, was hisinspiration for the house in his book The House Of The Seven Gables. The story of TheHouse Of The Seven Gables streches over two centuries. Its the classic scenario of tworival families, in this case the Pyncheons ( weathly aristocratic puritans) and the Maules ( humbler paupers). The story of these two families begins with Matthew Maule, whoowned a certain amount of land and built himself a hut to live in, in this new puritansettlement. Maule was a hard working but obscure man, who was stubborn and protectedwhat was his. His rival arrived at the settlement about 30 to 40 years after Maule hadbeen there. Colonel Pyncheon, an ambicious and determined man, had a high position inthe town. It was said that Colonel Pyncheon was very much for the execution of thosewho practiced witchcraft, and it was also said that he very strongly sought thecondemnation of Matthew Maule for being a wizard. Pyncheon did manage to haveMaule executed but not before Maule placed a curse on Pyncheon and his decendants. These were Maules exact words : God, God will give him blood to drink !Many of the characters in the book were influenced by actual people in andduring Nathanials life. For example : Colonel Pyncheon was based on The ReverendWentworth Upham, a Minister and mayor of Salem. He wrote the books : Lectures onWithcraft and History of Witchcraft and Salem Village. The Maule name was derivedfrom Thomas Maule, a Quaker merchant living in Salem at the time of the trials. InNathanials American Notebooks he records that his great great grandfather JudgeHathorne, the judge in the witch trials, injured a neighbor named English once, whonever forgave him. Yet Englishs daughter married Hathornes son. In the same way, thedecendants of the Pyncheons and the Maules finally unite in marraige at the end of thestory. The Pyncheon and the Maule who get married at the end are Phoebe and Holgrave. Phoebe is a smiling, public young woman. Holgrave is a kind artist ( daguerreotypist )and is also the last desendant of Thomas Maule ( this is revealed at the end of the story).Itis believed that his cousin, Susannah Ingersoll, was who he had in mind when creatingthe character of Miss Hepzibah Pyncheon. There is also evidence that Hawthorne hadhimself in mind when creating the character of Holgrave, and of his wife,Sophia PeabodyHawthorne, when creating Phoebe.***( Include other examples of the evidence thatsuggests this)***Ever since Hawthorne decided to become a writer he was determined to be asuccess. He wrote for many years but none of his publications drew the attentionHawthorne wanted. At the time he wrote the House of the Seven Gables, he had justfinished with The Scarlett Letter which had won him much fame. At this timeHawthorne was preoocupied with his worth in Americas literary marketplace. Hepromised his publishers and friends that his next book would have a prosperous clo se,which meant something along the lines of a happy ending which did not come naturallyto Hawthorne. He found himself in a tight spot when trying to end the book, which tookhim several months to write. I believe it did the story more harm than good, becausewhile reading the final chapter, The Departure, it felt as though the seriousness andmany of the true significances of parts of the story werent there anymore. As though hejust ended the story that way to please the audience ( with a happy ending, everyonebecomes rich and moves onto a country house, Holgrave and Phoebe get married,and thebad guy Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon just dies.). Hawthorne was a very insightful, yet confusing man. Some would even say hypocriticalbecause he would criticize or claim something and in the end, praise what he critisizedand claim the opposite of what he originally said. I, on the other hand wouldnt say hewas a hypocrite, rather he was mysterious, not letting anyone know his true intentions butjust let ting them interpret things their own way. He incorporated this into much of hiswriting, also. In The House Of The Seven Gables Hawthorne gives us alot of details andsymbols but he never really tells us what they mean, leaving them to our owninterpretations. English
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