Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research on music application users Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research on music application users - Essay Example We all have to keep in mind that even if the type of research would move us to know our participants better, we must remain objective at all times. Also, we need to work closely as a group because all of us need to communicate clearly our ideas. The research project gave us important lessons that helped us grow as students. The first thing that the group decided upon was the types of research methods we were going to use for the project. Every member researched on different research methods and presented the pros and cons of each method. We deliberated and came up with ethnographic research that involves survey and questionnaires. It was important for us to determine the value of each method and assess whether we would be able to get the result we needed using the methods aforementioned. First, we looked at the advantages of using interview for research. We realized that this method is time-consuming but yields quality data since we can ask open-ended questions. There was so much inf ormation that can be extracted using interview. Nevertheless, the group leader took the initiative in properly briefing us on how to conduct an interview for Research purposes. Another essential fact about interview method is that the interviewer must be skilled in conducting an interview. At times the answers can get personal but the listener must not be biased at all. Also, we must not ask leading questions because the subject must express his/her opinions freely. So if I am an avid Itune user, then I must not let the subject know about this. In ethnographic research, we must understand the value of the users. The first principle is that every person has a different background and value system. This could definitely influence their attitude towards a product or service. Some users value affordability while others prefer easy accessibility. There are also many users who prefer to use services that associated with strong brands like Apple’s Itunes. The behavior of users can a lso help marketers forecast some innovations in product design. While many users love the features of Zune, it cannot be applied on non Mac OS laptop or PCs. Knowing consumer’s preferences and behaviors are extremely important when designing products. First, designers can make decisions on what they should or should not include in creating a product. Once a product is launched and used by consumers, then various feedbacks can useful for improving the product’s characteristics. Nowadays, one way of having leverage is increasing customer satisfaction and that means continuous innovation. Some businesses frown upon criticism, because of this they lose a great opportunity to learn from their market. Due to the research we conducted, the answers given to us revealed the usability of applications and services that marketers should take note of. Indeed, we can say that even if our research was simple, it provided very relevant data for designers of music applications. Persona l Contribution Every team member has their personal contribution that eventually led to a successful project. The first challenge that the group must overcome was organizing meetings. I was assigned to schedule the said meetings which was overwhelming at the at the beginning. I had to consider that each member had different priorities and schedule so a meeting must be scheduled based on everyone’s free time. Since I was the contact person, I have to keep track of all their messages and completely relay the information to the whole group. During meetings, all the tasks are delegated so we can start working on our share of tasks. We communicated in any means possible –mobile phone, Facebook, e-mail and quick meetings. Such effort

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

PHIL 201 Study Guide Essay Example for Free

PHIL 201 Study Guide Essay View and take notes on the presentation, â€Å"An Overview of Issues in Contemporary Justification, Part 1. † What are 3 characteristics of a person’s noetic structure? The sum total of everything that person believes It recognizes the differing degress of certainty, firmness, and conviction with which people hold their beliefs. Characterized by how beliefs are related together. Explain coherentism and the 3 problems with it. Coherentism: All beliefs fall into one category. No beliefs are more foundational than the others. Problems: Circularity: How do I justify my belief in P? It coheres with Q. Isolation Problem: Coherentism isolates my beliefs from the external world. Plurality: It is possible to have 2 coherent systems that are logically incompatible. Read chapter 4 of Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous, â€Å"Foundationalism. † As you do, consider the following questions and points: What is the root idea of foundationalism? Each of us holds a set of beliefs basically or immediately while we hold other beliefs non basically or mediately. Why would one adopt a foundationalist approach to justification? Because they are epistemic engies of our noetic structures, imparting to all of our non-basic beliefs, while not themselves requiring justification from any other beliefs – this support goes just one way. What is the regress argument? Taking for granted the general reliability of your conscious faculties, and indeed must take them for granted. What are the 3 basic components of foundationalism? Basic or immediate beliefs- Form the bedrock of what all we believe undergirding everything else we are justified in believing. Mediate or non-basic beliefs- Everything else we believe Basing Relation- Specifies how the epistemic merit of our basic beliefs is to be transferred to out non-basic beliefs. What are the characteristics of strong foundationalism? Specifically explain: The 3 conditions for a basic belief. Must be self-evidently true: those we see to be true immediately, without the benefit of deliberation or argument, merely when we understand the term of the claim in question. Must be Incorrigible: The belief in question is one that is impossible to believe and be mistaken about. Evident to the Senses The means by which basic beliefs support non-basic beliefs. Entailment is the only logical relation that preserves certainty. If one starts with self-evidently true starting points and accepts only what can be validly derived from the same, one thereby insures that one’s entire set of beliefs is untainted and error free. Four â€Å"additional† features of foundationalism. One cannot claim to have knowledge simply by asserting that one knows One must be inwardly cognizant that one’s claims to knowledge is genuine. One must be prepared to show that this is the case. What are the main problems with foundationalism? Note: This section can be challenging; try to understand the main points raised; don’t be concerned about all the details except as a way to understand the following main points: Problems: One’s beliefs in the reliability of one’s senses or memory or consciousness; none of these beliefs is either self evident or incorrigible or evident to the senses, yet they are held as properly basic by virtually everyone. Any acceptance of supposedly pure and certain basic beliefs makes use of various background assumptions or information that compromises their certainty and undermines their basicality. Why only these conditions for a basic belief? Claims that foundationalism solves the regress argument fail (the arbitrariness of stopping points). Other means of supporting beliefs than just deduction/induction (best explanation, retroduction, concurrence, etc. ). The security vs. content problem. The strict demands for four unimpeachable certainty leave one with so small a set of basic beliefs that they can’t possibly bear the heavy weight of all we believe. Other problems (excessive individualism, access requirements, noetic effects of sin). Pg 95. What are the similarities and differences between strong and modest foundationalism? Specifically: What is primae facie certainty? One’s foundational beliefs are not necessarily immune to any conceivable doubt they can be overridden but they are perfectly acceptable unless one has a good reason for thinking they have been undermined. Four of Reid’s contingent truths. The thoughts of which I am conscience are thoughts of a being I call myself. Those things really happened which I distinctly remember. Those things really do exist which we distinctly perceive by our senses, and are what we perceive them to be. What is to be will probably be like what has been in similar circumstances. Reid’s reliabilism of first principles. For our evidence concerning reliability would have to include deliverances of the faculties whose reliability we are accumulating evidence for. On behalf of his foundational principles, they can be correctly identified by their accompanying marks or signs. If someone persists in requesting additional assurances over and above the usual marks accompanying properly based beliefs, then the person holding such beliefs can only respond with genuine bewilderment. Two weaknesses with modest foundationalism. Reid may have underestimated the capacity for thinkers of sound mind and sincere will to disagree about alleged, philosophical first principles. The belief in God can be held in a basic belief. Alvin Plantinga’s belief in God as properly basic. The belief can be justifiably held in the manner of a first principle, that is w/out the benefit of argumentative support. Terms Make sure you can explain the following terms and concepts: Indefeasible- Not able to be lost, annulled, or overturned. Retroduction- A king of reasoning from the best explanation. It is reducible neither to induction or deduction. Concurrence- Observations that cumulate in his belief. Necessary First Principles- They are self-evidently justified, being believed merely upon being understood. Must have these. Contingent First Principles- Not self-evidently justified. Dependent upon something. Doxastic Assumption- A theory that a belief is justified if it coheres with other beliefs.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Supply And Demand Chain In Music Industries Marketing Essay

Supply And Demand Chain In Music Industries Marketing Essay Since the inception of humankind, music has been significant to civilization of human race providing various advantages physically and mentally to every person involved in making or listening of music and tasting pleasure in doing so. Prior to 19th century, musical pursuit suggests attending live performances and playing of music instruments by people on their own at home. A soaring percentage of people involved in playing and singing by themselves and rest went to see the live performances in concert halls, taverns and music halls. During this era, the only way of recording music was on paper with support of some pre-programmed mechanical devices to play notes. This clearly shows that there was demand for devices which will help in developing and recording the music and can be easily distributed at listeners place. Before moving towards the process of recording and distribution of music let see how music-making is being categorised by society. Society has differentiated music making in two types i.e. classical music and popular/pop music. The classical music consists of well trained musician and pop music consists of untrained populace. The classical music suggest three large periods of music i.e. (Baroque, classical and romantic) where as popular music can be any modern day contemporary music. The basic difference between the classical music and pop music is classical music is also known as art providing entertainment whereas later only provides entertainment. Classical music has greater musical complexity and it is appreciated by older generation while pop music lacks the structural complexity for multiple structural layers but have universal appeal. Factor governing buyer behaviour Information on consumers potential behaviour becomes a strategic resource enabling promoters to anticipate competitors, improving the fit between supply and demand of music in the digital environment Quality Uncertainty Cultural goods are experiential goods in the sense that their quality may not be learned or measured even after consumption. There are no suitable parameters to make a claim regarding an unsatisfactory music album. When the quality is uncertain, people prefer what other people prefer. This represents the second feature of consumption in the cultural industries the presence of socio-network effects. Cultural-dependence Represents a way of fulfilling desires identified with highly valued life styles by consuming cultural goods, people express who they are and the social groups they belong. Demand Reversal Phenomenon Once too many people participate in a particular fashion, it ceases to be attractive, and the trend reverses. In this sense, the consumption process is cyclical, and the consumer segments may be influenced by the dynamics of fashion. This reversal process may also be repeated, such as when an anthology of Beatles songs, after being first fashionable, and then less attractive, may once again become valued as classics, experiencing repeated streams of consumption. Demographic factors Classical Music Willing to pay more for Interested in better sound quality Buy records as a package: not just music but notes, lyrics and cover art. Enjoy live concerts Prefer subscriptions than daily tickets Popular Music More interested in convenience Need flexible medium to listen Comparatively more fascinated discovering new music and artists Curious about the new phenomenon Consumer use music in two ways i.e. they own the product in the form of a CD/ DVD or use as a service, and listen to radio station or online. The listening of songs through radio station also used as promotional channel where the awareness is created and consumer is tempted to be the owner of the product. The market can be largely grouped into two segments: music owner and casual listener. It is possible for a consumer to be a part of both the segments i.e. customer being casual listener for some music and music owner for other kinds of music. When the casual listener is converted into music owner the profit starts coming in. Internet being a two-way interactive tool gives benefit to sales channel for downloading music as it is also used as a promotional channel. Consumer analysis suggests that adolescents and college going student perceived buying of CDs/DVDs as expensive. This perception exists due to mass piracy and copying, devaluing the commercial value of music and other reason being there is only one or two good value songs on the CDs/DVDs. The easy accessibility of technologies (MP3 player), digital downloading and CD/DVD writing has given power to consumer in-turn changing their buying behaviour. The music industry has drastically transformed in the last couple of decades, all credit goes to the increasing penetration of strong broadband connection, which provides convenient service to music lovers to download or buy the MP3 tracks or any music via internet. This technological change in music industry has adversely affected the traditional chain of high street music specialists. But in turn has resulted into heavy selling of physical music and DVD music online. This activity also lays the foundation for promoting digital downloads as well as the stealing of music illegally from the web. T he illegal downloading of music is the current major problem faced by the members dealing in music industry and the owners of the music. Downloading music illegally has not only started devaluing the value of music for entire generation of youth but also affecting the content owners in terms of their financial returns which is decreasing day-by-day. A huge challenges also faced by the retailers as there is a rapid ranges of price deflation due to free downloading of music by the new generation of consumers. While essential modifications are taking place in the music and video retailing as well as major upsetting among the specialist players, they are being provoked by the swift escalation of technology set up in the consumers place. With the influx of broadband connection there is a mass increase in the ownership for iPods and MP3 players. Other reasons for growth in online sales are due to the moving of supermarkets from food to non-food categories creating and continuing the huge impact. Thus, in this environment the challenges for retailers are to find different ways to cater their consumers for retaining their expected profitability which will help them to survive in this tough competition. On the whole, the music industry is facing an enormous challenge. A few of the most popular artists have an undersized product life cycle as the temperament of the industry has changed. Then alongside is the modern technology and broadband letting consumers to obtain classical and popular music at superior quality for free or diminutive cost during exchange of the MP3 tracks or file sharing. According to music recording companies and their representatives the massive and regular use of this method for obtaining classical and popular music has been a major setback for recording companies as this being the reason to their declining sales and profitability. Members and followers of the file sharing partly blames the commercial desire of the recording companies and indicate towards the comparatively great prices of DVDs, CDs and recorded music as the most important reason of consumers looking out for new and other choices. When we talk about technology it is clear that modern technology is here and will be upgraded time to time will become even more sophisticated in future. Numerous artists have problems and fail to get their music heard because of the governance of the quick buck super marketing of the present trim of top acts. Internet is the useful tool for the performers and artists and may offer useful resources for delivering their music to their follower all over the world. No matter what the point is? The music industry will counter the challenge of encountering the changed market place and how they act in response to such difficulties is going to be critical in their success and prolong development of music industry. Implications to Supply chain, Publisher and Demand chain The Music industry consist of performers/artists, labels/publisher, producers, manufacturer, engineers, marketing agencies. To realize all the arguments affecting each members of the supply chain, recording companies and demand chain it is important to know how music industry operates. It is huge and complex industry. In real meaning, a performer or an artist, is undersigned in a contract by the record companies to create an album or tracks. Then recording company pay or may pay for the produced albums to market it or manufacture the CDs which will be distributed all over the world. In return, the revenue is generated by the sale of the albums which covers all the cost incurred on producing the CDs and thus the income is passed to each member involved in the process. The music company are therefore smashing their business in search of providing a variety of music to meet the various range of tang of the consumer. For doing this, it is very important to manage the product portfolio sensitively as any action taken will have an adverse effect on cash flow. The music company has to ensure that there is a sufficient cash flow in the business to manage its liabilities. Almost every main record company will highlight the fact that they have dozens of other company that has set up under it or they have bought them. For example, The Universal Music Group owns: Jazz recording company Verve Classical recording company Deutsche Gramophone Apart from this the labels also has different companies under them which distribute conventional pop and rock material. Therefore, the market is dominated by five major companies sharing 75% of the total sales of recorded music all across the world. But to the fact, there are dozens of other labels and companies which are reputed as a individual entity but may have been under taken or set up by their parents company over the years. (Source: IFPI, Market Share of the Music Industry, 2008) The Problem The problem centres on several issues: Increase in piracy has affected the record labels severely as they experience a worst in declining sales. If sales are not official the artists are not bound to receive any royalty income from the sale of the music. The complexity of modern technology is also responsible in making of fake CDs which is again affecting the market of the music industry. Some artists struggle to get into mainstream as they are not signed by the major labels; they opt for the internet as it is potential source of getting their music to mass audience. Due to decline of CD sales physically, retailers of all size are facing the heat. Some smaller size retailers are complaining the difficulty they face in competing the larger stores as they have the advantage of providing the songs through downloaded music. The effects of music piracy has created the dispute for the record industry as it claims that piracy generates further sales but recording company wants to protect their monopoly powers by keeping the artificial prices high, and thus affecting the customer base. Other Problems The other aspects of music industries are also affected by the changing market in the music world. The method used by music lovers to purchase music is also going under drastic change as there is development in new forms of media entertainment i.e. DVDs and videos. Companies selling music have also come to provisions with the impact of changes taking place in the market. Amazon coming in on-line retailing made other companies like HMV, Virgin and Tower Records, which are the three major retailers to face the competition. Amazon also created the impact by providing the features like speedy delivery times and extensive range of stocks through global access. Digital distribution saviour of supply and demand chain in music industries The RIAA (Recording Industry Association America) forced Napster and other peer-to-peer companies to closed music sharing business with the help of severe legal process. The commotion was temporarily stopped but it clearly suggested that there is a need of such crucial products and services which will help in understanding the customers tastes and will meet their actual requirement. The basic objective was to re-organize the traditional supply chain for the survival and this was only possible by inculcating various digital distribution strategies. The content creators, content developers and marketers and retailers/ distributors are the three major players for the current supply chain in the music industry. Composers, lyricists, and artists are the part of content creators. The music publishing and record companies are included in content developers which are central to the industry. s are the They not only procure the musical rights, recognise and develop performing artists, record music in studios but also produce and distribute the music, advertise and promote music through various channels. The distributors consist of large national retail chains and recording company. 85% of sales come from record companies and larger national retail chains which are owned by retail outlets and are also high compared to record clubs and mail orders and online retailers which only account for 12% and 1 % respectively. In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the market share from unaccounted music to P2P music sites as the record companies have had a significant influence on the demand as well as the supply chain. Cost Breakdown of digital distribution (Source: Alternate digital distribution, G. Premkumar, 2003) The above cost structure proposes latent opportunities to develop the efficiency of current supply chain. The above table provides the breakdown of the costs involved using averages from various published sources. From this the royalty to composers/artists account to 12% as manufacturing cost is only 5% of total cost and costs such as labour, rent, and local inventory of retail outlet account for 35%. Meantime, the costs involved in retail outlets also account for 35% of selling price. The operating profits ranges from 4%-6% of sales in relation of price markdown and after writing off the inventory. An additional cost of 20% is absorbed in promotion and advertisement. The breakdown of these cost facts disclosed 25% of variable cost is comparatively small to fixed cost which is 75%. This is important because 60%-80% of music labels are meant to be flopped and they fail to cover the fixed cost. Most of the consumers do not realize that there is natural risk in this business and the suc cessful labels do only compensate the losses. Alternate strategies for Digital Distribution Distributing music digitally through supply chain can have a variety of strategies. The three major members of the supply chain are content creators/artists, recording companies and retailers. In order to ensure the success of digital distribution, multiple marketing and social issues must be solved instead of technological issues. Due to other restraint, concentrating only on supply chain will may or may not give the solution which can be implemented. Six different strategies given below are the suggestion for distributing music digitally. Recording company-retailer-customer Some consumer support this strategy as it suggests flexibility to produce modified CDs without altering the packaging CDs. This strategy introduce consumer to new artists also gives quality experience of music. This strategy is categorized into three stages as per changes taking place in the market. The primary stage consists of developing customized CDs and it advances to second stage where the assembling of CDs is done overcoming the in-store inventory problems. In the third stage, this strategy provides inventory less in-store and help consumer to recognize types of music they want, different artists, and can also create CDs. Due to inherent cost efficiency in this strategy, it provides benefits to Retail store operations. This strategy also helps recording companies to protect their copyrights. Record company-customer This strategy of direct distribution take advantage of eliminated retailers as it reduces the cost of retail operations for distributing music. Thus creating potential market for digital distribution between recording company and customer. Record company-intermediary-customer This strategy is also called one-stop shop. The consumer can get their music by visiting multiple sites at one place. Music from multiple recording companies is consolidated at one place by intermediary and this gives consumer to buy their favourite music at one place. Online retailers like can generate extra sales revenue by providing quick search facility and good system network to download music. Artist-customer This strategy creates the most efficient supply chain by eliminating the intermediaries and save cost in every aspect for music industries for distributing music. Although this strategy suggest expenses for artists in terms of direct advertising and maintaining the cost of the web site. It is also important to address other issues for the success of this chain. Artist-intermediary-customer In this strategy, an intermediary combines the artists and offers them services to minimise their search and information problems related to consumers also does expand the market reach for the artist. The intermediaries creates online communities with similar music interest also offers services like online reviews and provides email alerts to consumer for new releases and concerts. Thus they add value to this strategy. Audio-on-demand (AOD) This option helps consumer to create their own playlist of their favourite songs and can listen as per their convenience through internet radio stations. This strategy uses simple subscription model for delivering the music to consumer. A consumer can change their playlist as per their choices during the subscription period this will help consumer to get rid of old and few songs considering the ownership model. (Source: Alternate digital distribution strategies, G. Premkumar, 2003) Comparison of distribution strategies (Source: Alternate digital distribution strategies, G. Premkumar, 2003) It is thus necessary to educate the people about negative effects of piracy and protecting the copyrights. This is also critical for keeping the music industry healthy and flow of income and royalty to artists will encourage them to create new music portable devices. Internet radio stations require two-way connection with each consumer compared to broadcasting radio which will creates load on server and system infrastructure. These problems will be solved in future with the help of surplus bandwidth. Future of Music Distribution The above table provide the summary of merit and demerits of each distribution channels for stakeholder, artists, labels and publishers, retailers and consumers. Although it will be enticed to say which strategy is going to succeed in future, it is obvious that quite of them will survive in their own niche markets. The absolute victory of every channel depends on their relative features. A single feature that will induce the reformation of the industry is the dominance between the artists, publisher, retailers and consumers. As formerly stated, some of the big labels and publisher not only have control of creation, marketing, and distribution of MP3,CDs, DVDs dominating the market but also have substantial control on the artists. Boost in consumer power to copy the music files from P2P file sharing sites, which was abandoned because of legal actions taken by recording companies followed the closure of P2P music sites. But the impact of action taken by RIAAs did not stop launching of many new P2P music sites. Due to the risk of breaching copyrights, artists have started supporting the point of labels and publishers related to digital distribution of music. The above table suggest that the situation for retailers is on risk in future, they need to diversify their services to on-line retailing. E.g., NAXOS. Looking at the future of music industry the recording companies will influence the most to each distribution strategy as they will have proper control on incentives and disincentives for consumer to operate one strategy or the other. Various business models can work all together to give absolute supple to consumer when music is accessible digitally. As a matter of fact, the business model adapted by Naxos, MuiscNet is the mixture of strategies recording company-intermediary-customer and audio on demand which gives ownership and listening features to consumers. Conclusion The information given above provides opportunities for re-engineering the traditional supply chain by digitizing the music. The negative impact on members of supply chain, publisher and demand chain due to the illegal copying and downloading of music can be solved with the use of six digital distribution strategies. These six distribution strategies were investigated in terms of cost structure and the relative roles of stakeholders for the music industry. The major problems linked to the successfully implementation of each strategies were discovered and explicated. Bibliography and Referencing origin=fedsrf view=basic eid=2-s2.0-3142691513

Friday, October 25, 2019

We Must Ban Assault Weapons Essay -- argumentative, persuasive, gun con

The controversy over assault rifles is one of the most problematic issues related to the contributions of gangs, drug traffickers, and most criminal activity. More often than not, criminals have access to the weapons of their choice more easily than it should be. Getting them from licensed dealers, black markets, and family members’ homes, the availability of these militia weapons has become to effortless to obtain. The rise of criminal activity is part of the reason more than one-third of high school students have easy access to a weapon or gun. â€Å"Four out of five guns brought to school are actually brought from their own homes† (Page par 2). This is one of the biggest problems when faced with where criminals get their guns. They either steal them from relative’s homes, ask to borrow them, or steal them from licensed sellers. There are a lot of ways people can get guns. People who should not be able to purchase a firearm are allowed t o, and illegal transactions are also a huge issue with criminals getting their guns. For all these reasons that is why Government should require restricted gun ownership to protect society, prevent crime, and allow for recreational use. Assault weapons have been labeled as the number one source for mass killings in America. The idea that a weapon can fire a large amount of bullets at a remarkable speed can be used for recreational use was thought of otherwise. This type of weaponry was made for one reason and that is to eliminate as many people as possible and accomplish it in a reasonably fast time. The problem is everywhere and to help control the issue the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to enacting and enforcing gun... ...laws protect the society. They need to understand that bans and laws work and that they need to be enforced more strictly so the people of the nation can feel safe and protected. The nation has brought many new ideas to try to solve the issue on illegal gun selling and gun traffickers. They have provided with legislation laws on gun control, the declining of allowing fully-automatic weapons to be legal in this country to keep all citizens safe. All of the proposals that legislation has introduced do a great job in monitoring the selling and purchasing of weapons that should not be bought and sold. If the country wants us to be safe and protected by our government, they need to know that bans and laws on assault weapon works and saves lives of the American people and that there needs to be cooperation with them so the bans and laws can stay strict and strong.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Personal Goal Paper

Personal goals are achieved through dedication and the love of what you are doing. Nobody can decide one person's personal goals for themselves because it is only made by them and it reflects their character and interests. A personal goal that I have is to serve people in need whether that is through mission trips, volunteer work, or a child sponsorship. The steps that I will need to take in order to reach my goal of serving others is to get involved in a church that is committed to serving others, volunteer locally and be a part of credible programs, and seek children in need to pompons on a regular basis.Missions work is something that I have always wanted to do but never have had the opportunity of doing. The church that I went to back at my home church would always go to Guatemala every year to rebuild communities and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have never went, but it was always a goal of mine to go. In order for me to reach my personal goal of going on mission trips, I need to get involved in a church that consistently goes on mission trips. Being a part of a dedicated group of Christians in order to spread the word of Jesus and restore the hearts and minds of any, would be very rewarding to me.I have done volunteer work In the past but a goal of mine Is to do It more out of love and compassion for others and their environment. In order to make this goal happen, I need to find volunteer programs or places that would allow me to show the love of God to others and serve them both physically and spiritually. In the past I was a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive In which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families In order for them to keep warm during the winter. It was a wonderful experience that gave me Joy and kindheartedness towards the needy.In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would Like to sponsor a child In need In another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child Is making a huge difference In their life and how they live It. Writing to the child and receiving letters from him or her would allow me to connect with the child more affectionately. It would also allow me to give him or her hope for a better future and write Inspiring Bible verses. Personal goals are not Just goals you check off on a list. Rather, they allow you to discover a deeper truth about yourself and society as a whole. By muttererI have done volunteer work in the past but a goal of mine is to do it more out of a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive in which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families in order for them to keep warm during the winter. It In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would like to sponsor a child in need in another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child is making a huge difference in their life and how they live it. Writing to the child a nd receiving letters from him or her would allow me her hope for a better future and write inspiring Bible verses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

International Competition Essays - Marketing, Communication Design

International Competition Essays - Marketing, Communication Design International Competition Consumer Behaviour Consumers have so many choices to make compared to ten or even twenty years ago. Today as always, business growth depends heavily on loyal customers who return because they are satisfied with the product and/or service they have received. But first companies have to bring consumers into the stores. The companies bring consumers into the store by marketing their product. The average consumer would probably define marketing as a combination of advertising and selling. It actually includes a good deal more. Modern marketing is most simply defined as directing the flow of goods from producers to customers. In order to answer this question fully we must define consumer goods which means goods that are used or bought for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. The paper outlines the contributions of marketing through fast moving consumer goods. Promotion, which works hand in hand with marketing a product, allows the product to be relayed to the right consumer through cam paigns. A Market research must be completed to find a target audience which is used for promotional and advertising reasons. The last part of the scheme is the actual advertising of the good which pulls the consumer into the store. Marketing has had an influential impact on fast moving consumer goods through abroad range of activities including, promotion, market research, and advertising. Promotion is used to communicate information about goods and services to target market audiences thereby facilitating the exchange process. Promotion plays an important role in informing, educating, persuading and reminding customers. The promotional mix is adjusted according to the organizations promotional objectives and its marketing situation. Generally, in consumers services, marketing and advertising will be by far the main component and the most expensive. Promotion is essentially about communication. Target audiences need to receive information about goods and services before they can begi n to consider making a purchase. The promotional objectives will influence the nature of the promotional message and the type of appeal used to get the message across. One of the key tasks in designing and executing promotional programmes is the selection of appropriate media for advertising and other forms of communication. The range of possible media choice is extensive but will ultimately be governed by factors such as the budget available and the target audience profile. The development of an effective promotional campaign involves combining the promotional mix elements in the most appropriate way to meet the organizations communications objectives. Evaluation and monitoring is important and one method of evaluation is by completing marketing research. (Woodruffe 1995149,163-4) An advertisement, or a campaign of advertisements, is planned in much the same way a successful salesperson plans the approach to be used on a personal call. The first stage is working out the strategy. T his requires a thorough analysis of all available market research, personal discussionsor focus groupswith typical prospective buyers of the product, and knowledge of all competitive products and their advertising. Based on the understanding and insights derived from this information, advertising professionals write a strategy that defines the prospects that constitute the target market to which they must direct the message and what must be communicated in order to persuade the prospects to take the action that is desired. With this strategy as a guide, copywriters and art directors begin to create the advertisements. At this second stage they try to come up with an idea that involves the prospect, pertains to his life or problems, and is memorable. The idea can take the form of an unexpected set of words or a graphic symbol. It also can be a combination of words and graphics, and even music. An advertising idea works best when it is a totally unexpected yet thoroughly relevant fulf illment of the strategy. The third stage is the execution of the idea. This means turning the idea into some form of communication that a prospect can see or hear. For print advertising, execution involves writing text, taking photographs or commissioning drawings, arranging elements on the page (layout), setting type, making photo engravings, and so on. For broadcast advertising, it may mean writing dialogue and composing music, hiring actors and recording voices, filming in a studio or on location. Throughout all

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis of Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney Essays

Analysis of Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney Essays Analysis of Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney Paper Analysis of Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney Paper Seamus Heaney, Mid-Term Break In Seamus Heaney’s poem â€Å"Mid-Term Break† one is misled by the title which normally would bring to mind parties, frivolous activities, and a much needed break from classes.The writer immediately extinguishes these thoughts as the college sick bay is mentioned (Heaney, 1).Heaney does not use rhyming or specific sentence structure but still manages to draw a strong reaction message from his readers.The reader is shocked by the last line as it reveals the death of a child, the emotionless reaction to this death, and the injustice of a young life gone forever. Although at first it seems as if the reader could perhaps be sick himself we quickly learn that the school bells sound to him as if they were â€Å"bells knelling† (2) which are often associated with a death toll or funeral procession.This immediately sets the tone of something far more tragic. The death of a young child has occurred, although it is not yet known the relationship between the reader and the deceased.There is no mention of grieving or emotion but the tone is very somber as the reader is confronted with various family members and friends in many states of grieving. As the eldest child the reader feels he is expected to behave or react a certain way.His family and friends are openly emotional and upset at the needless death of the young child.The reader puts on a brave face as he feels a duty to his family to remain strong.It is tragically implied by this phrase â€Å"away at school† (12) that if he had been home the accident would have never occurred.The tremendous pressure of unspoken criticism has to be overwhelming and yet another reason to dampen the reader’s emotions although the grief he felt must have been great.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Failed Product

Failed Product Introduction Analysis of the history of corporations highlights the presence of products introduced in the market, which are discredited by the clientele. This makes it fundamental to phase out the product from the corporation’s product line. The following piece identifies a failed product, describes its tendencies and deduces the reasons for failure. Finally, it presents recommendations that the company ought to embrace through implementing diverse change initiatives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Failed Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Identification and description of failed product A case of a failed product incorporates McDonald’s Arch Deluxe, which was launched in 1996. It is a sophisticated burger, which seeks to cater for an adult audience with its different ingredients (Kincheloe, 2002). The Arch Deluxe has a soft buttery bun on top, which is above the mustard. It equally encompasses the mayonnaise sauce followed by two â€Å"fresh lettuce leaves and slivered Spanish onions† (Kincheloe, 2002). After that, there is smocked bacon above the ripe tomato slice and a slice of American cheese. The sandwiching process encompasses the above constituents, cooked beef and fancy tomato ketchup. Why company and product failed According to Rogers (1995), the five stages critical in a product’s development incorporate, â€Å"knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation†. He argues that the tipping point originates from diffusion theory, which is a set of generalizations that aid the spread of innovations within a social change process. Further, there are suggestions that the masses often oppose change meaning that companies should prepare for resistance and the means of addressing them upon the introduction of a new product. In the knowledge stage, individuals learned about the new idea. There was a need to embrace longer life expectanc ies and cater for an old market. The feeling that the company’s focus was on children alone, made a significant contribution to the creation of the idea. The presence of the adult market encouraged McDonald’s company to introduce a new range of burgers; thus, initiating the identification process. There was the creation of a new line of sandwiches instead of changing the menu. The creation entailed extra funds to make the idea a success. Before introducing the sandwiches, the adult market was not consulted to determine the reception of the arc deluxe burger (Kincheloe, 2002). Finally, the burger recorded some of the poorest sales in history, attributable to the mentioned reasons. The persuasion stage involves forming opinions and attitudes about new ideas developed in the first stage. The company engaged its staff to envision the formed idea. As such, McDonald formed a favorable attitude and tasked its executive top chef Andrew Selvaggo to create the designed burger. T he created burger was so big that it stood out. However, it failed since people noticed that it had many calories, which could be harmful to their health.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Individuals engage in activities that suggest their adoption of the idea under the decision stage. The company’s management made a choice to address an adult oriented market. The launch of the deluxe arch burger saw the company spend $100 million on the advert that Fallon McElligolt, a Minneapolis advertising agent initiated. This adoption of the burger idea is among the most expensive campaigns in history. However, the expensive advert turned off customers who termed it unconventional. Instead of concentrating on food quality in the advert, it featured young children complaining about the burger. The children discouraged sales of the burger because people are not used to su ch adverts. They refer to it as a rebel advert, which introduces negativity of the company’s products. The implementation stage involves individuals putting new ideas to use. Lastly, there is gathering of positive feedback about ideas and reversing previous decisions based on negative feedback. After the negative feedback from the adult market, the burger was gradually eliminated from the American market. High prices and caloric contents of the burger contributed to the flop of the product because most people care about their health. Recommendation In order to make positive change, the company ought to have enhanced the following ideologies. It should have tasked a professional team to research on market aspects to curb possible flopping of the product. As such, McDonald’s should have engaged in an extensive market investigation. This would enable the company determine if the adult marketplace would embrace the Arch Deluxe Burger idea. In the research, the discovery th at adults considered the burger unhealthy would have been evident. A different low calorie burger that could draw little resistant ought to have been created. In addition, the commercials should have avoided using children because the target group was adults. Rogers’s theory argues that an innovation ought to be introduced to individuals who easily use an invention to offer positive reactions. Adults enjoying the deluxe burger would be an appropriate model for the advert. This would ensure positive reaction to early adopters of the new burger. According to Haig (2011), management in companies should be aware that people do not always embrace change. Additionally, there must be appropriate channels to introduce change in organizations. It is difficult for people to accept innovations, so McDonald needed to learn how to introduce the new burgers in the market. People should have been prepared early for the launch of the burger. As such, they would not complain so much on the ch anges made on the burger. Prices of commodities must always be fair if they are to register sales in any market because people will always resist high prices. McDonald’s company ought to set a convenient price for the burger for it to sell. A lower introductory price would sell the â€Å"Arch Deluxe Burger† because people would be enthusiastic to try something new at an affordable price. Indeed, no one would complain of high prices.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Failed Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When founding and implementing new ideas like the â€Å"Arch Deluxe Burger†, consultation with individuals who command the food industry must exist. An individual whose opinion on food is highly regarded is more appropriate in the burger advertisement instead of complaining children. Furthermore, hiring nutritionists to give facts on healthy eating thus propose the burger to adults who wa nted to eat healthy leads to high sales. McDonald’s would register more sales because people would be convinced that the burger was healthy. Conclusion According to Wallach (1995), managers must never think for their clients or forcefully impose changes. Instead, customers should establish their preference through selected media. Improper decisions and lack of proper research have facilitated the failure of products that were highly anticipated. McDonalds made this mistake with their highly publicized â€Å"Arch Deluxe burger† that became a major flop. There was an assumption by MacDonald’s management that grown people would embrace the adult burger. This incensed the public making them reject their productions thus causing embarrassment. Companies should properly evaluate a product or innovation before releasing it for purchase. Poorly researched products can have negative repercussions on the clientele and encourage lawsuits that may be expensive. Therefore, i t is prudent for corporations to introduce quality products to their customers. References Haig, M. (2011).Brand Failures: The Truth about the 100 Biggest Branding Mistakes of  All Time. London, LDN: Kogan Page Publishers Kincheloe, L. (2002). The sign of the burger: McDonalds and the culture of power. Pennsylvania, PA: Temple University Press Rogers, M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations, New York, NY: The Free Press. Wallach, B. (2005). Understanding the cultural landscape. New York, NY: Guilford Press.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Newspaper Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Newspaper Industry - Essay Example We shall tackle both sides of the argument individually so as to gain proper insight on the issues involved in the debate. The negative impact that the internet has had on the newspaper industry is mainly as a result of the switch of consumers from printed material to electronic material for news, entertainment among other uses. The impact of this switch is evident in the steady decline of readership and circulation which has since become more of a norm than an exception, with readerships dropping in rates as high as 16% (Miller, 2005) The internet affects print media on three major frontiers, advertisement revenue, readership and innovation and technology. Since the largest source of revenue for newspapers is advertisement, newspapers stand to suffer if they do not offer competitive packages for their customers. This has led to severe rates undercutting which has in turn dug into the revenues of the newspapers resulting in job cuts, plagiarism and writing of untrue and fictitious stories and events with shameless abandon (Hughes, 2006). The reason for this can partially be attributed to the fact that a dvertisers try to promote their products to the highest possible audience at the lowest cost, the internet offers a better than perfect substitute for newspapers for several reasons. For instance, the internet has far much more ahead as far as accessibility is concerned compared to newspapers. Whereas the latter offers some options for leisure and recreation in one or two pages, these options are comparatively limited to those which the internet can offer because at the simple click of a button one can access millions of online entertainment sites. Online advertisements are also more effective because in the first place, there are lesser limits to the size of the advertisement in relation to the total surface area available wherein it might take up to a quarter of the page at a minimal cost. In contrast, a quarter page advertisement in a newspaper is bound to cost quite a lot, actually about 21times that of the online advertisement (Karp, 2007). It is therefore quite clear that onli ne advertisements are more cost effective than their print counterparts. In addition, online advertisements have the option of containing hyperlinks, which connect the user to the advertiser's website where he can find much more information about them, their products and/or services, giving rise to more opportunities of turning the advertisement leads into sales. The newspaper advertisements can do little else than just display the advertisers' contact details after the main content. The advertisements themselves have much better design when online because they may be made dynamic, which basically means that they may have movements and even sounds to accompany them which greatly enhances their memorability and ability to capture the attention of the target reader. In sharp contrast, advertisements in newspapers are limited to showing a single picture which may not be as attractive. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

The yellow wall paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The yellow wall paper - Essay Example She becomes obsessed with the rooms revolting yellow wallpaper. Throughout the general summary as well as the chapter explanations, the narrator suffered from temporary nervous depression. Out of this, the husband orders her to take a rest on what actually the narrator describes as the haunted house. For the sake of the two of them to stay there, the woman gives in despite her feeling uncomfortable. To wrap up the significance of the title, the yellow house built of yellow bricks (Gilman and Jean 50). The story has a variety of characters that help develop the story line. First, there is the narrator. Through the eyes of the omniscient narrator, who is the protagonist, her know it all helps the reader to unveil the rather knit up the story of the woman with complications and the ordeals of the family as well as the neighbors. She is imaginative and creative person as she lives to tell of the society’s view of women’s artistic skills and intellect as an anomaly, as misfits and ill as shown through the story. John is the other character, the narrator’s husband, who happens to be a physician. He totally differs on his wife’s intellect for his chauvinistic stance only propels him to believe what he can only see and touch. For example, his own creation of hypochondriac, as the disease for his woman tells it all. His busy schedule is what ignites her wife to stay alone and choose to write, an obsessive ritual centered on the yellow paper in their room (77). Jennie, John’s sister serves as the house help. Her duty also involve to check up the overgrowing zealous of John’s wife in writing. Her brother’s belief of a concrete view of the world binds her. The other main character is Weir Mitchell, the doctor who engineered the rest cure for John’s wife. These characters are real personnel’s as the author deviates from using fiction characters. The setting reflects the era when

Writing Business Letters 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Writing Business Letters 1 - Essay Example In this case, two wrongs would not make a right. It is better for the medical team involved to pursue ways and means of saving the life of the stronger twin than allow the death of both the conjoined twins. The religious position held by the parents of the twins would surmount to double tragedy since it would result to the death of both the twins. It is also in order for the medical fraternity to preserve the right of children by trying to save the life of at least one of the twins. This will be in line with their professional ethics. The religious stance in most of such cases advocates for life rather than death. Therefore, the judges’ decision however moral and legal is also religiously sound. This is because their decision they made echoed the religious principle of saving life. In cases of life and death, preserving life would be more moral and pragmatic. Therefore, the court’s decision in this matter to disregard the parent’s religious opinions is

Child abuse and maltreatment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child abuse and maltreatment - Assignment Example Shouting at a chid may cause emotional distress. Abuse of toddlers has greater impacts more than one can see. Neglect and other forms of abuse have both long term and short term consequences including developmental delays, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and aggressive behaviour. As a nurse it is important to recognize the tell tale signs of abuse in toddlers since the toddlers can not express themselves. These include shaken baby syndrome, evidence of poor hygiene, sleep disturbances for the young one, unaccounted for bruises and physical injuries, a child being abandoned or left unsupervised, aggressive behaviour towards other children. While neglect and abuse has been documented, some cultural practices can always be misidentified as abuse. For example, disciplinary practices in various communities; physical punishment is accepted in the low socio economic classes. This means that such cultural differences in rearing children place parents at greater risks of being reported. In Florida over 40 professionals have been mandated to report child abuse cases one of them being the nurses (Cruise & Gorton, 2001). If nurses suspect any child abuse, they can report through fax or phone. The phone number is toll free and open all the time. The fax number is also open for twenty four hours a day. The nurses are required to give the reactions of the child ad

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dollar Instability as World Reserve Currency Essay

Dollar Instability as World Reserve Currency - Essay Example This scenario is about to change (Lorimer n.p). Though the mainstream media in the U.S. has been abnormally silent about this, truth is that some of the big economies on the globe are making agreements with each other to shift from using the U.S. dollar in international trade.   Currently, some oil producing countries have begun selling oil in non U.S. dollar currencies. This is a huge threat to the petrodollar system that has been in place for almost four decades.   In addition big international organizations such as the United Nations and IMF have started advocating for the need to move away from the U.S. dollar adopt a new world reserve currency. The operation of the U.S. dollar as a world reserve currency is under threat and the impending shift in international trade will have massive implications on the U.S. economy. There are several reasons as to why countries want to get rid of the U.S dollar as a reserve currency. First and foremost is the instability of the dollar. Big economies such as China already hate having to rely on the U.S dollar. The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy that is notably loose and the rapidly rising public debt of the U.S. are troubling officials concerned with international trade. There is fear that the stimulus measures that were adopted to revive the U.S.’s flagging economy will soon generate a high inflation burst that will further weaken the dollar. Such an occurrence would be detrimental to holders of US government bonds, including China. China has about $2 trillion of its $3.2 trillion currency reserves held are in dollars most of which is in bonds. The U.S. has also lost its triple-A credit due to failure to come up with credible plans to cap its public debt (The Economist). In addition, China as the second largest economy on earth with projections that it will pass the U.S economy by 2016 and be three times larger by 2040, it is difficult for China to continue using the dollar in its economy (Lorimer n.p ). China together with other emerging economic powers such as Russia, over the past several years have been quietly making agreements that will see them shift from the use of the U.S. dollar when conducting international trade. The economy of the U.S. is continuously fading. This is going to make it difficult to argue for the U.S. dollar to continue functioning as the primary reserve currency of the world. An indication of the changing fortunes of the dollar is the recent deal between China and Japan that promotes the use of their currencies when conducting bilateral trade. Currently, they do their trade in U.S. dollars but the instability of the dollar has necessitated such an intervention. In addition to this, another emerging block referred to as BRICS comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is also planning to move away from U.S. dollar based trade. The block proposes to create a credit facility that will enable these countries to use their local currencies i n trade. For over a year now, China and Russia have used their national currencies when conduction bilateral trade (Lorimer n.p). The growing use of the Chinese Currency in Africa is an indication of a process that is already in motion. In 2009, China overtook the United States of America as Africa’s biggest trading partner. Many African countries therefore prefer to use the Chinese yen in trade With China so as to reduce transaction cost incurred in acquiring U.S dollars. It is approximated that 70,000 Chinese

The Term Equality in Regard to Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Term Equality in Regard to Animals - Essay Example In the following sections, I will first explain Singer’s view and show that I am against it in my own words in order to be more precise. I will also point out one main ambiguity related to my view in his argument in order to clarify which exact disambiguation I disprove. Then, I will propose my objection to his view and explain why I think it is a good one. The last section will include a strong response that I think an advocate of Singer’s view would possibly respond to my objection and the explanation why it does make a good point. In his article All animals are equal, Singer argues that if racism and sexism are wrong, then so does speciesism. He claims that if all humans should be treated equally, then, equality is not about equal rights based on the difference of â€Å"intelligence, moral capacity, physical strength, or similar matters of fact.† Instead, he argues that equality is based on equal concern. According to Singer, the Principle of Equality states that â€Å"the interests of every being affected by an action are to be taken into account and given the same weight as the like interests of any other being.† Moreover, in the article, Singer notes, â€Å"In other words, I am arguing that we extend to other species the basic principle of equality that most of us recognize should be extended to all members of our own species† (Singer, 2). Therefore, according to the combination of the two views, Singer claims that humans must give the same respect to identical interests of all beings t hat have the ability toâ€Å"suffer or experience enjoyment or happiness† (ability to feel pain and pleasure). He argues that the Principle of Equality is the only non-arbitrary way to treat other creatures.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Child abuse and maltreatment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child abuse and maltreatment - Assignment Example Shouting at a chid may cause emotional distress. Abuse of toddlers has greater impacts more than one can see. Neglect and other forms of abuse have both long term and short term consequences including developmental delays, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and aggressive behaviour. As a nurse it is important to recognize the tell tale signs of abuse in toddlers since the toddlers can not express themselves. These include shaken baby syndrome, evidence of poor hygiene, sleep disturbances for the young one, unaccounted for bruises and physical injuries, a child being abandoned or left unsupervised, aggressive behaviour towards other children. While neglect and abuse has been documented, some cultural practices can always be misidentified as abuse. For example, disciplinary practices in various communities; physical punishment is accepted in the low socio economic classes. This means that such cultural differences in rearing children place parents at greater risks of being reported. In Florida over 40 professionals have been mandated to report child abuse cases one of them being the nurses (Cruise & Gorton, 2001). If nurses suspect any child abuse, they can report through fax or phone. The phone number is toll free and open all the time. The fax number is also open for twenty four hours a day. The nurses are required to give the reactions of the child ad

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Term Equality in Regard to Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Term Equality in Regard to Animals - Essay Example In the following sections, I will first explain Singer’s view and show that I am against it in my own words in order to be more precise. I will also point out one main ambiguity related to my view in his argument in order to clarify which exact disambiguation I disprove. Then, I will propose my objection to his view and explain why I think it is a good one. The last section will include a strong response that I think an advocate of Singer’s view would possibly respond to my objection and the explanation why it does make a good point. In his article All animals are equal, Singer argues that if racism and sexism are wrong, then so does speciesism. He claims that if all humans should be treated equally, then, equality is not about equal rights based on the difference of â€Å"intelligence, moral capacity, physical strength, or similar matters of fact.† Instead, he argues that equality is based on equal concern. According to Singer, the Principle of Equality states that â€Å"the interests of every being affected by an action are to be taken into account and given the same weight as the like interests of any other being.† Moreover, in the article, Singer notes, â€Å"In other words, I am arguing that we extend to other species the basic principle of equality that most of us recognize should be extended to all members of our own species† (Singer, 2). Therefore, according to the combination of the two views, Singer claims that humans must give the same respect to identical interests of all beings t hat have the ability toâ€Å"suffer or experience enjoyment or happiness† (ability to feel pain and pleasure). He argues that the Principle of Equality is the only non-arbitrary way to treat other creatures.

Royal Greenland Essay Example for Free

Royal Greenland Essay Royal Greenland is the largest producer of cold water prawns and the market leader of ever expending seafood products. The company belongs to Greenland and catches their primary raw materials and the clear ice cold water from there. The company has its modern part of hunting and fishing culture, which is always existed there and the catches are made with deep respect in Greenland nature and people. Royal Greenland’s clear aim is activities to contribute to the wellbeing Greenland community. Royal Greenland is not just a brand – it’s a promise. No matter what the challenges are, the company depends of committed staff. Royal Greenland has focus on quality and refuses to compromise. In this way Royal Greenland has been a reliable supplier and a trust world partner since 1774. Today is the company still in lead and extended itself as the most innovated and competitive player on the market. Whether if its own brand, as a supplier of private labels or via directed sells to the industry. For more than 230 years has Royal Greenland been associated with the first class seafood. The company’s future plans in investing are to have focus on improving their techniques and products to match the need of their modern consumer. Royal Greenland cooperates with private and public research institutions in order to continue developing their processing, distribution techniques and production. 2. Royal Greenland brand value Applying the Maslow hierarchy of needs, one may argue that Royal Greenland customers seek for self-esteem, recognition and status; they believe that being seen with the Royal Greenland products brand will fulfill these needs. Therefore, the value added to its customers is more intrinsic, being that is a physiological need the act of eating. Royal Greenland Royal Greenland However we may say that Royal Greenland stands in between level 1 and 2 of the Maslow Pyramid and maybe some may argue also between level 3, so that it can be also associated to a kind of luxury level of food and restaurants. Anyway is mainly a physiological need, the customers go for best in the balance of quality facing price. 3. The 4 P’s Products Seafood such as shellfish, natural fish, smoked and marinated fish, prawns. In their webpage they have a catalogue with 162 of different kind variation of the seafood that they offer. As a full-range supplier of seafood products Royal Greenland’s product assortment reflects the company’s ability to meet the need of our consumers and Royal Greenland’s ability to renew ourselves. In Royal Greenland marketing it is in matter; at their products have high quality standards. Royal Greenland is proud to present a broad range of high quality seafood products from their own fisheries and from selected suppliers around the world. They offer the â€Å"highest quality standards† in the world – their global quality team makes sure of that. If there are any complains about the products or about the services, the company takes them serious and they take professional action towards and try to avoid that happening again. Price For centuries, Royal Greenland has been associated with high quality seafood at affordable prices. The company’s product range makes it possible to prepare healthy and tasty meals for any occasion. Royal Greenland, have a price that most customers can afford. Royal Greenland gives the customers the products what they pay for. Place – They owns Production facilities in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greenland and Poland. The customers can be sure that Royal Greenlands products get delivered o time and in a perfect condition. When dealing with perishable food products and especially frozen goods, it is extremely important to keep temperature constant during transportation and storage. In order to retain the high, natural quality of their products they are checked all the way from production, through storage to the customer by their Quality Control Team. In Denmark the company is distributing in different Danish supermarkets such as Irma and Fotex Promotion They use as promotion mainly their homepage. There the customers can find information about the company, the quality of their products, the way they prepare their products. Even though that the company don’t use any special way to promote themselves, Royal Greenland is the largest producer of cold water prawns and the market leader of ever expending seafood products. 4. Strategic Analysis For in depth analysis, to start with we need to identify the elements which affect the strategic decision; strategic position and strategic choice. The strategic position, where it argues the environmental and stakeholder’s effect on the issue, we identified two elements; economic downturn and new consumer needs. We used the Ansoff matrix to show how Royal Greenland stands concerning Markets and Products as it is shown below. Upon investigation of the company’s reports, one comprehends that both the sales growth rate and profit margin are declining. The company in its mature phase reveals that is the time to look for new segments or new markets. The time seems right for diversification by new product in new markets. 5. IMS (International Market Selection) Analyses The IMS analysis will help us to identify the right market to export. It is based on low psychic distance, low cultural distance and low geographic distance. Our assignment is about Far East countries and Polynesian Islands. We don’t have to argue why it is that, because it’s given. - In their official webpage there is a summary of companies owned or partially owned by the parent company Royal Greenland A/S. There we can see that Royal Greenland is a limited company and 100% of the stock is owned by the Greenlandic Selfrule Government is in Japan. That means that they already have knowledge with the Far East culture, and are ready to export to more Far East countries a brow. Royal Greenland is the biggest seafood company in Denmark. Royal Greenland is a large and complex organization with subsidiaries in a number of countries around the world. Royal Greenland A/S had an annual turnover in 2010/2011 of 4,7 billion DKK and more than 1,800 employees around the world. It has advantage of food  fresh  and  production technology. Royal Greenland has expanded to  many countries and regions on sale. The global economic is downturn, we should keep currently market share and develop the new market. Royal Greenland owns several production facilities located in the immediate vicinity of fisheries and their â€Å"key markets† Greenland, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Germany. We will go along 4 steps. We will describe more detail the general and specific criteria that is mention above. Step 1: In step one, we have the micro level. – Here we make decision which market the product is going to enter. This is about external factors such as PESTEL (politics economic, social, technology, environment and legal). In the first step we analysis IMS (International market selection). We chose New Zealand, China and Philippines. We will mainly look at those three countries political and economic factors. After those first reflections, we can figure out where we want to start. We will reduce from three, to two countries. Then we will make a Pest Analysis and compare them. Criteria – size and economy. Step 2: In step two, we have MECO. We will do our product analysis and market analysis. We will find information about the competitors, and compare our products to the competitors. We will do a competitive analysis. Step 3: Internal analysis. All the internal tickets: are proactive or reactive. Step 4: In step four we actually do segmentation in regards to customers. Demographics – lifestyle, age, gender, buyer behavior, income. New Zealand PESTEL Analysis Political and Environmental Factors: Elizabeth 11 queen of New Zealand has no real political influence and her position is essentially symbolic. Political power is held by the democratically elected Parliament of New Zealand under leadership of Prime Minister, who is the head of government. New Zeland has ranked fifth in the world for political stability in the IMD world competitiveness yearbook 2009. In New Zealand electronics are held every three years so the government has to at time make some compromises with economic growth in order to pursue its political motives. While it may have been acceptable in the past for businesses to pursue profits single minden with a little or no consideration for the wider social and environmental impact of their activities, this is not the case anymore today. The consumer movement and the environmental lobby are now firmly established as vigilant and powerful watchdogs, and have successfully brought changes in business practice and in how businesses must operate. In New Zealand the government announced significant changes to business taxation and the business environment to help develop a more innovative and dynamic economy better able to compete in the global marketplace. Economic Analysis: The Economy of New Zealand is a market economy which is greatly dependent on international trade, mainly with Australia, the European Union, the United States, China and Japan. It has only small manufacturing ad high-tech sectors, being strongly focused on tourism and primary industries like agriculture (though both sectors are highly profitable). Economic tree – market reforms of the last decades have removed many barriers to foreign investment, and the World Bank in 2005 praised New Zealand as being the most business – friendly country in the world, before Singapore. Social Factors: The first release of data from the 2010 New Zealand General Social Survey showed that: New Zealanders have relatively high levels of overall life satisfaction. In the survey, 87 percent of the population reported they were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with their lives overall. However, satisfaction with life varied across different groups within the population, in particular when looking at people’s labour force status, stage in life, household income, and the type of family they live in. Technological Factors: As a Western country, New Zealand has a proactive, creative and skilled labor. They have the worlds leading educational institutions; a highly educated population with graduate level is increasing. English is the main language of New Zealand. New Zealanders also have excellent quality of soft skills, professional ethics and the spirit of daring to do famous. Technology includes: * processes/systems (operational) * machinery * intellectual property * IT systems. The technology or business skills must be introduced into New Zealand as a result of the investment they must not already be in New Zealand. PEST analysis for China Political Analysis: China is communist country but it is transforming into democratic form of government. The Chinese government has, in the past, strongly controlled such things as prices, markets, products, foreign assets, and personal assets. However, during the past decade, the Chinese government has chosen to open their markets to world investors and to create laws and regulations more in line with the World Trade Center guidelines. This change in philosophy has encouraged foreign investment in China. However, regardless of the recent move towards an open market, the Chinese socialist political environment should remain a key risk factor in any potential expansion. There is only one party in china which is communist party of china. As there is only one party ruling the country so there is stability in the country which is very necessary for business activities. The stability in the country attracts foreign investments in the country. The government also provides different incentives and securities to the new businesses. For example government can declare certain area tax free and thus attracting new investors in the country. The laws are a bit complex for the new investors. But if the new investment Is approved then it will be a successful business. Economic Analysis: Chinas economy is huge and expanding rapidly. In the last 30 years, the rate of Chinese economic growth has been almost miraculous, averaging 8 percent growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per annum. The economy has grown more than 10 times during that period, with Chinese GDP reaching 3. 42 trillion US dollars in 2007. China already has the biggest economy after the United States and most analysts predict China will become the largest economy in the world this century. China is a very good market for the investors to invest and earn profits. Both the industry and agriculture sector provides opportunities to the investors to invest. Inflation rate (consumer prices): The inflation rate in china is 5%. The inflation is very much low and it is in single figure. The prices of commodities are low in china. And this figure is also a controlled one. Central bank discount rate: 2. 79% (December 2009) This is a very good sign for the investors as the financing would be easy and funds can be generated if needed. As the rate is very lower so the expected inflation rate is also low which means that more employment. Social Factors: Chinas spectacular economic growth-averaging 8% or more annually over the past two decades-has produced an impressive increase in the standard of living for hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. At the same time, this economic development has had severe ramifications for the natural environment. There has been a dramatic increase in the demand for natural resources of all kinds, including water, land and energy. The population growth of china is high and government is taking steps to control this growth of the population. The population growth rate of the country is 0. 94%. The 72. 1% of the population is 15-64 years which is the main target population for the businesses. Technological Factors: The history of science and technology in China is both long and rich with many contributions to science and technology. THE end of cheap China is at hand. Blue-collar labour costs in Guangdong and other coastal hubs have been rising at double-digit rates for a decade. Workers in the hinter land, too, are demanding—and receiving—huge pay increases. China is no longer a place where manufacturers can go to find ultra-cheap hands. Contrary to conventional wisdom, it will not mean that companies close their Chinese factories and stampede to somewhere poorer. China is still a terrific place to make things. Labour may be cheaper elsewhere, but it is only one cost among several. Unlike its lower-paying rivals, China has reasonable infrastructure, sophisticated supply chains and the advantage of scale. When demand surges for a particular product, the biggest firms in China can add thousands of extra workers to a production line in a matter of hours. Environmental Factors: Chinas development and environment practices have made the country one of the worlds leading contributors to regional and global environmental problems, including acid rain, ozone depletion, global climate change, and biodiversity loss. Environmental degradation and pollution in China also pose challenges well beyond those to the natural environment. The ramifications for the social and economic welfare of the Chinese people are substantial. Public health problems, mass migration, forced resettlement, and social unrest are all the consequence of a failure to integrate environmental considerations into development efforts effectively. Sacrificing environmental needs, such as trees, for economic gain. PESTE analysis Philippines Political analysis The Philippines’ diverse population, which speaks more than 80 languages and dialects, is spread over 7,000 islands in the Western Pacific Ocean. The country returned to democracy in 1986 after two decades of autocratic rule. President Benigno Aquino III took office in 2010 with a mandate to address pervasive government corruption. Economic analysis Despite the challenging global economic environment, the Philippine economy has been on a steady path of economic expansion. The government has pursued a series of legislative reforms to enhance the entrepreneurial environment and develop a stronger private sector to generate broader-based job growth. Overall progress has been gradual, but regulatory efficiency has been notably enhanced. The economy has expanded at an average annual rate of close to 5 percent over the past five years. The economy of the Philippines is hampered by huge foreign debt, a low savings rate, inefficient tax collection, inadequate infrastructure , especially outside major cities, and poor agricultural performance. The Philippine economy is vulnerable to oil-price increases, interest-rate shifts by the U. S. Federal Reserve, and the performance of international stock exchanges. Social Factors: Social factors that have a negative impact on the economy include a high crime rate, especially kidnappings and rape, pockets of Communist rebels in rural areas, threats from Muslim separatist movements, high rates of poverty and unemployment, and the governments inability to begin its land-distribution program. Environmental factors also damage economic development, including frequent typhoons and drought. Worker productivity is adversely affected by illnesses brought on by air and water pollution. In metropolitan Manila alone, the effect of pollution on health and labor productivity has been estimated to be equal to a loss of about 1 percent of gross national product annually. Technological Factors: In todays fast paced world, the need to operate globally and without boundaries has increased the abilities and expectations for technology. Information technology, being the theme on everyones mind throughout the last decades is still reaching new levels. The new and tremendous dvancements in telecommunication technology in the new millennium were the milestone for the outsourcing of service activities that were about to penetrate the Philippines. The country has a lot of highly skilled IT people and the IT infrastructure and supports are very advanced. Therefore, the technology allows products and services to be made significantly cheaper than in domestic markets, and yet maintain at lea st the same quality. The employees are working at wages approximately 400% smaller than in Europe but the final results they deliver are hard to distinguish from the European ones. The cheap costs also give the possibility to be more flexible and take risks because there is not much to lose. It is easy foreigners who did not really have beliefs or big plans for their businesses but they thought it would be fun to run a company without seriously endangering your budget. Environment Factors: The Philippines is prone to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, lying as it does astride the typhoon belt, in the active volcanic region known as the â€Å"Pacific Ring of Fire,† and in the geologically unstable region between the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates. The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, soil erosion, air and water pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of coastal resources, and overfishing. According to Greenpeace SouthEast Asia, the Philippines major historical river, the Pasig River is now biologically dead due to negligence and industrialization. Currently, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources has been busy tracking down illegal loggers and been spearheading projects to preserve the quality of many remaining rivers that are not yet polluted. Conclusion: By using the PESTEL framework we analyzed the many different factors in a firms macro environment. In some cases particular issues may fit in several categories. The PESTEL Factors in China appears in several categories, we simply make a decision of where we think it best belongs. We think that to export in China will have the greatest impact. We have made a SWOT analysis, which proves that China would be the best market to export in. 6. SWOT Analyses SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. So concerning our previous explanations and answers to themes in analyses, we came up with the following SWOT analyses: 7. Business Law Contract for the International Sales of Goods (CISG): CISG stands for contract of sale of goods, the convention applies when the buyer and seller have their place of business in different states and when the parties are from contracting states . As Royal Greenland Company is going to sell its product to China from Denmark. At the same time, China is approved to apply CISG, but Denmark is not agreed with the CISG Law. So there are two conditions: ?Royal Greenland company (seller)—the buyer in China: If the two parties did not agree about which law is to apply, then the rule of seller? s country shall apply. So in this situation, the rule of the Denmark should apply, as the Danish law mentions that the CISG takes precedence in international sales. So if the Royal Greenland Company is seller and the buyer is in China, then the CISG should be applied. ?Royal Greenland company (buyer)—the suppliers in China: It is also about the sales of goods, the rule of seller? s country shall apply, and as the China is not approved the CISG. So the law from the China shall be applied if the Royal Greenland is buyer and the supplier is from China. Performance is the fulfillment of a promise in the contract. Many issues can arise in a sales contract after the contract is made and before a partys performance is required. Sometimes performance may be made impracticable. If the goods are completely destroyed before the risk of loss has passed to the oversea buyer, and the goods have not been destroyed through the fault of either party, Royal Greenland may be excused from performing. Risk of loss is responsibility for any damage or destruction of goods; the parties may decide in the contract when the risk of loss of the goods passes from Royal Greenland to the buyer. If the goods are only partially destroyed or have deteriorated, the buyer may demand to inspect the goods and either void the contract or accept the goods with a reduction in the contract price. Royal Greenland may avoid performing only if the destroyed goods were specifically identified when the sale was made. There are two situations in which a party must make a substituted performance in case the agreed method of performance becomes impracticable. First, when the goods cannot be transported by the agreed-upon method of transportation, Royal Greenland must use available transportation that is a commercially reasonable substitute. Second, if an agreed-upon method of payment fails, the buyer must use a commercially reasonable substitute method of payment if one is available. If a party fails to substitute transportation or payment, she could be liable to the other party for losses resulting from the failure. In some cases the purpose of a sale may be frustrated by circunstances beyond the control of both buyer and seller. At times it may appear to a party that the other party will be unable to perform by the expected date. For example, assume that a party agrees to sell goods on credit. If the buyer becomes financially insolvent before the goods are delivered, the seller may demand cash before delivering the goods. If the goods are in transit, the seller may instruct the carrier to withhold delivery of the goods. A party is considered insolvent if she cannot pay debts as they come due, has ceased to pay debts, or has liabilities that exceed assets. If a party has reasonable grounds to feel insecure about the other partys ability to perform, the insecure party may demand assurances before performing. Alternatively, if the other party gives the assurance, the concerned party must follow through on his obligations. Precisely what constitutes an effective assurance is a question of fact that depends on the nature of the goods, the size of the contract, the length of time until performance, and similar considerations. In any case a concerned party may not make commercially unreasonable demands on a party prior to performance and then withhold performance if the other party does not meet the demands. Delivery We think that there are two-clause suit for the Royal Greenland Company, one is F-clause, and the other is C-clause. ?F-clauses FOB (free on board). In this situation, the Royal Greenland must load the products on board the designed by the buyer in the China. The goods are delivered when they have been handed over to the first carrier designed by the buyer. The advantage of this rule is the transportation fees and the risk is shared by the Royal Greenland and the buyer in the China. FAS (free alongside Ship). In this situation, the Royal Greenland must deliver the goods to the specified spot; the goods and risk are delivered when they are placed alongside the ship. The advantage of this is that the seller don? t need to take the goods to the board. ?C-clauses CIF (cost insurance and freight). In the situation, the seller shall pay for marine insurance and costs all the way to the place of destination, the risk passed when goods are on board the ship in the dispatch port. For example, we deliver the products (named of) to China and we pay all the insurance and transportation fee until the products arrive to the place of destination, The advantage of this rule is although the Royal Greenland pay all the transportation fees and insurance fees but they have the lowest risk, if they got any damages during the transport the insurance company will pay all the losses. Seller? obligations (CISG) and Buyer? s obligations (CISG) ?The seller must: 1, Deliver the goods 2, Handover documents 3, Transfer rights of ownership of goods to the buyer The seller must deliver the right goods quantity and quantity at right place and at the time agreed in contract. And hand over the document that is necessary. Transfer rights of ownership of goods to the buyer, such as risk. There are many conditions: some risk is passed to buyer when the goods are hand over to the first independent carrier. Some risk passes to buyer when buyer at the time of receipt of the goods at the seller? s place of business. When the risk passes to buyer, it is depend on the which kind of transportation way that the seller and buyer choose. ?The buyer shall to take delivery of goods and pay the payment that has been agreed at the agreed time and place. Buyer? s remedies in the event of the seller? s breach of contract (CISG) There are also some remedies in the event of each parties breach the contract. First of all, we list several breaches from the seller, and remedies for the breach. When the sell breach a contract in case: 1. Delay 2. Defect 3. Defective title. The buyer can choose to: 1. Affirm 2. Cancel 3. And claim damages if a loss has been incurred. The buyer can also demand corrective performance, at the same time the seller has a right to correct also after the goods have been delivered. Seller? s remedies in the event of the buyer? s breach of contract (CISG) When the buyer breach a contract in case: 1. Not paying for the goods 2. Not taking delivery of the goods. In such cases happen, the seller has the rights to: 1. Affirm 2. Cancel 3. Claim damages. Conclusion It is benefit for the Royal Greenland Company to put then in a good position if they are similar with the CISG and doing the international sale with China. 8. Economics As attachment in appendix there is the study on investment table as well as the net-cash flow diagram. Anyway below is our conclusion: 9. Conclusion Royal Greenland A/S (Royal Greenland) is a Denmark based company operating in the provision of seafood products. It is one of the worlds biggest producers of coldwater shrimps and a market leader in a wide range of seafood products. The company, along with its subsidiaries is engaged in fishing, processing, production, marketing and distribution of seafood products. The core products of the company include prawn and shellfish products, fillet products, ready to eat products and smoked products. The company operates through a number of production sites across Greenland, Denmark, Germany and Poland, and sales offices in Europe, the US and Japan. Royal Greenland is headquartered at Nuuk in Denmark. Export to restaurants. In our assignment we decided after making an PESTEL analysis in 3 different countries from Far East, to export in China. Beside that we chose to export in the restaurant market. The reason why we chose to export in restaurants is, that restaurant is the largest segment of the profit foodservice sector in China, accounting for 94% of the sectors total value. The pubs, nightclubs and bars segment accounts for a further 1. 2% of the sector Market analysis. The Chinese profit foodservice sector displayed double digit growth over the 2007 to 2011 period. The sector is forecast to post healthy growth during the period up to 2016. In comparison, the Japanese sector will decline with a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -0. 8%, and the Indian sector will increase with a CAGR of 17. 4%, over the same period, to reach respective values of $102. 8 billion and $58. 1 billion in 2011. Sector consumption volumes are forecast to increase with a CAGR of 3. % between 2007-2011, to reach a total of 115. 6 billion visits in 2011. The sectors volume is expected to rise to 133. 1 billion visits by the end of 2016, representing a CAGR of 2. 9% for the 2011-2016 period. The restaurants segment is expected to be the sectors most lucrative in 2011, with total revenue of $135. 5 billion, equivalent to 94% of the sectors overall value. The pubs, nightclubs and bars segment will contribute revenue of $1. 7 billion in 2011, equating to 1. 2% of the sectors aggregate value. Market value forecast In 2016, the Chinese profit foodservice sector is forecast to have a value of $236,162. 1 million, an increase of 63. 8% since 2011. Buyer power in the profit foodservice sector in China Buyers in the global profit foodservice sector are individual consumers, which are large in number but hold very little financial muscle independently. High transaction volumes mean that the impact of any one customer on revenues is usually small. The exception here can be in the case of premium-price, non-chain restaurants, whose business model relies on low-volume, high-margin sales. This lack of financial muscle minimizes the power of buyers, although they benefit from the lack of costs incurred by switching from one profit foodservice player to another. Profit foodservice is not strictly essential to consumers: they can backwards integrate by cooking their own food. Profit foodservice players have invested heavily in brand-building, especially in the low- and medium- price segments. The Uppsala model has described the internationalization of a firm as a process of experiential learning and incremental commitments which leads to an evolutionary development in a foreign market. Royal Greenland Export Royal Greenland A/S sales subsidiaries have been established on the most important markets i. e. in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the USA. The southern part of Asia is yet another potential sales subsidiary location. However, no matter where a subsidiary is placed, company policy dictates that it be managed by local staff to ensure the greatest insight into each countrys market, and dietary and cultural traditions a policy which has proven very rewarding. The Export Division sells about 65,000 t of high-quality products from a constantly expanding product range to 40 main markets all over the world. The divisions product development department ensures that customer demands concerning products and lines are made in consultation with Royal Greenland. Delivery reliability is equally ensured and realised through close collaboration with the Divisions colleagues in Greenland. Royal Greenland Development Royal Greenland Development was established in 1995 to offer its know-how and expertise to Third World fishery development projects. The divisions role is to participate in research fishing aimed at establishing what resources are at hand and to assist with product development and production. Further assistance in the form of raw materials and sales facilities may also be offered by the Division, which works in collaboration with internationally recognized aid organizations. Contracts have already been drawn up in India and Vietnam and business prospects are promising in China, Southeast Asia, Africa and South America. 11. Reference List Global Marketing – A Decision-Oriented Approach Fifth Edition, Svend Hollensen Business and Danish Law Book ttp://www. royalgreenland. com http://www. royalgreenland. com http://www. slideshare. net http://www. stats. govt. nz http://www. linz. govt. nz http://www. economywatch. com http://www. economist. com http://www. cfr. org http://www. heritage. org http://www. nationsencyclopedia. com http://en. wikipedia. org http://www. articlesbase. com [ 1 ]. The countries that are in Far East are: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia. Geographically, the Polynesian Triangle is drawn by connecting the points of Hawaii, New Zealand and Easter Island. The other main island groups located within the Polynesian Triangle are Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Niue, Wallis and Futuna and French Polynesia. 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